It is very difficult to take out some time for yourself in the fast-paced life of today. It is essential to create a balance to keep a healthy body and a stable mind. The hustle and bustle of day to day life does not allow much time to pamper yourself.
However, there are a few simple habits that would make a remarkable difference in your life. These small steps will reveal that little things can go a long way if done regularly and consistently.
1. Getting up early
Starting your day with the break of dawn is synchronizes your mind and body with the natural clock. Getting up early is a strong recommendation by most of the successful people. If you wake up early in the morning, it feels like you have more time at hand than others.
The early hours in the morning are peaceful and tranquil than the rest of the day bustling with all sorts of noises, distractions, and activities. You can utilize this time to meditate and prepare calmly for your day. Early morning is a productive time to plan your activities and tasks with a peaceful state of mind.
2. Have a green smoothie
Drinking plenty of water is general advice from everyone. Increasing your fluid intake regulates the internal systems, especially the digestive system. Another step further would be to take a green juice or a cleansing smoothie first thing in the morning. Though you can drink it at any time of the day, drinking it on an empty stomach will not only cleanse your body but also prepare it thoroughly for the rest of the day.
You can include a portion of fruit, yogurt, or oatmeal to make it a complete meal because breakfast is the most important meal of the day. A healthy fruit or vegetable smoothie with a dash of yogurt can fulfill your breakfast need. It is super quick and super healthy.
3. Take a walk
Take a walk, preferably in a green surrounding like a park or a trek in a forest. Walking is a good exercise that is simple and easy to do at any place at any time; no specific timing and no special gear needed. A daily walk, especially in the early hours, increases endurance and strengthens bones and muscles.
It also helps to reduce body fat in the long run. Your body gets in shape, and the muscles tone up. A brisk walk is a good alternative for people who don’t want to go through vigorous exercises to lose weight. Walking is an excellent way to burn extra calories.
4. Indulge in a hobby
We all need a break once in a while, and it is a good idea to take time out for yourself to unwind and relax. It’s better to spend this time doing something that you love. Spare a little nook in the office or designate a small corner in your home for your hobby.
Whether it’s painting or reading or any other craft or activity, you can accommodate it somewhere around you if you want to. Spending some time reading your favorite book or a few strokes on the canvas will surely take you away from stress and freshen up your mood for the rest of the tasks. Such a distraction is constructive, especially when you are working on a stressful job or have a strenuous routine.
5. Siestaaaa!
Splitting your day into two halves in always a good idea. Resting for as little as half an hour to as much as a couple of hours is a healthy habit. You get a break from your hectic routine. The mind and body both relax and get ready for the rest of the day. Resting right after your lunch is proven to be beneficial and healthy.
6. Yoga, meditation or exercise
If you are physically active, that makes you more vigilant; the body gets rusted if you are not involved in physical activity of some sort. Exercising at least four days a week (for at least 20 minutes a day) is a must for a healthy body. A healthy lifestyle should include vigorous physical activity or cardio at least three times a week to keep your body in shape.
Yoga is a perfect alternative for those who prefer something less tiresome. Choose a tranquil place and time to relax your mind and stretch your body. Yoga is a viable escape from stressful lifestyle and also has numerous health benefits.
7. Eat fresher and healthier
You are what you eat! So beware what you put in your body. Processed foods and artificially grown ingredients are no less than poison for our bodies. Eating fresh fruits, vegetables, and similar products not only keeps you fit but also invigorates the mind.
Modern-day fast foods are usually fried and loaded with sugars and artificial flavors; they tend to make you sluggish and more prone to getting fat. Adding more fresh produce to your meals is a good idea as they are suitable for both your mind and body.
8. Enjoy the little things
Life is simple yet complicated. Everything around you is made up of hundreds of smaller elements that come in a bigger picture in front of you. Have you ever wondered at the delicate wings of a dragonfly; how fragile it is, the subtle colors that it carries and the intricate design it has.
When you are starting your day, have a look at the sky and ponder over the colors and shades it holds for you. Alternately try stargazing at night to soothe your brain.
When you indulge in little details, life seems to be more beautiful. When you sit to have a meal, appreciate the colors and textures on your plate and savor the aroma. Treat all your senses with the blessings in front of you. Relish every bite that bursts into flavors when you chew it. Soak in a hot tub or a jacuzzi to unwind your strained muscles. Once you have spent a few minutes inside hot water, the world will seem brighter and more cheerful.
In a nutshell, build a positive attitude towards life with these daily habits that will lead you to a healthy body and a great lifestyle.