Does CBD Oil Work for Chronic Pain Management?

Each day, millions of people wake up with chronic pain. Instinctively, doctors prescribe various forms of pain management via prescription pads and referrals. But not all patients choose to follow this path of relief, and alternative medicine is growing more popular.

Over the course of the past few years, CBD oil and similar substances have become a go-to for patients seeking relief from their chronic pain symptoms. The effectiveness of such treatments varies from patient to patient, but CBD has become widely known for treating symptoms of chronic conditions. To fully understand the concept of CBD oil for chronic pain, you need to research what symptoms it targets and how it does so. Read on for more information.

Chronic pain symptoms

young-woman-touching-her-red-painful-shoulderMore often than not, a patient with chronic pain will experience a high number of symptoms on top of their day-to-day pain. Various symptoms such as fatigue, nausea, difficulty focusing, and restlessness can add to the struggle of coping with chronic ailments. Many patients will turn to alternative treatments or alternative medicine such as yoga, meditation, acupuncture, etc., in order to alleviate specific daily symptoms.

One of the biggest complaints in patients with chronic pain is the inability to fall asleep, and even more-so, the inability to stay asleep. In order for bodies to heal and reset for a new day, deep stages of REM sleep are necessary, but often unattainable for a patient in pain. CBD oil is proven to enhance sleep for patients who struggle with insomnia, or “painsomnia” as it is often referred to in chronic illness communities, and can improve the level of sleep quality.

Methods of intake

CBD-oilAlternative medicines such as CBD or hemp oil can be taken in various forms based on the patient’s preference. Companies like Panacea Life Sciences will often provide options for their customers like sublingual tablets, softgels, or creams.

Sublingual tablets are placed under the patient’s tongue and left to dissolve as to slowly release the hemp/CBD. Softgels, upon consumption, will also release the oil into the patient’s system, allowing a gradual release of its contents. Creams, on the other hand, absorb into the patient’s skin versus being ingested, and can also aid in the relief of physical pain upon contact.

Companies looking to distribute their CBD/hemp oil will work with businesses such as StockCBDSupplements to create these various products along with packaging, labels, and distribution. This ensures they can distribute an oil that caters to the customer’s individual needs.

Conducting research

laptop-studying-research-campusWhen it comes to CBD oil for pain management, it’s important to do as much research as possible. Discussing individual needs with a medical professional and setting expectations for your CBD/hemp oil use can spearhead your journey with alternative medicine. Reading reviews of various CBD products can also aid in your decision-making when the time comes to purchase the right brand and product for your CBD/hemp oil treatments.

Ultimately, your experience with this type of alternative medicine will come as a direct result of this planning and research. Once you’ve evaluated your needs, you can then decide upon the proper dosage, method of intake, and expected results that you hope to achieve.

Level of relief

pain-man-expression-diseaseThe primary science behind CBD is in our nervous systems, and CBD oil helps block nerve impulses related to feeling pain. The endocannabinoid system (ECS) in the human body was discovered in the early 1990’s and has been a topic of study in the medical field ever since.

The ECS is linked to neuronal activity and inflammation levels, but is often deficient in patients with chronic illness and chronic pain. CBD can help remedy this deficiency, and improve the quality of life in patients with said chronic ailments. Healing is often a snowball effect: when one or a few symptoms are alleviated, it can lead to the lessening of others, and eventually lead to an overall sense of relief.

The question remains: does CBD oil actually work for chronic pain management? The answer lies within expectations. Taking or applying CBD/hemp oil can drastically alleviate symptoms in some and have low to zero impact in others. Just like any other method of treatment, results can vary.

For most, taking or applying CBD/hemp oil can improve symptoms of chronic pain over time. This is a big part of its current rise in popularity in the world of alternative pain management.