When it comes to cooking and baking, know that there are healthier counterparts you can use in place for the most common ingredients. Although substituting them seems odd at first, you’ll eventually get a hang of it. And soon enough, you will start noticing the positive effects they bring to your body. Plus, you might even enjoy their taste.
Let’s start with 10 common household ingredients worth trying.
- Cinnamon for Sugar
Like ordinary table sugar, cinnamon can amplify the sweetness of any food. By replacing sugar in your muffin recipes, you can trick your tongue that there is more sugar in what you’re eating, when in fact, there’s none! Also, you can try substituting sugar from your daily coffee with cinnamon.
- Avocado for Butter
Naturally, avocado is fatty and has a creamy texture. No wonder why it makes an excellent substitute for butter in recipes. To use, pure avocado and replace butter in a brownie or chocolate icing recipes. Promise, you won’t taste a hint of avocados! But if sweets are not your thing, you can use mashed avocados as a substitute for mayonnaise.
- Greek Yogurt for Sour Cream, Buttermilk, or Mayonnaise
Whenever a recipe calls for sour cream, buttermilk, or mayonnaise, use Greek Yogurt instead. It contains less fat, but has the same texture. You can even use it directly as a dip for chicken or to prepare rich and creamy salad dressings.
- Coconut Milk for Cream
If a recipe requires the use of cream, use coconut milk. It is best used in recipes that have an element of creaminess. Coconut milk is most likely, the best substitute for dairy products. So, if you are lactose-intolerant, you might want to consider using it.
- Applesauce for Oil
Did you know that applesauce is every baker’s best friend? Well, the reason is simple. It does not only sweeten up recipes. It also has lesser calories than sugar. Also, by using it in baked goods, you are actually reducing the saturated fat content!
- Whole Wheat Flour for White Flour
According to experts, we should take at least half of our daily grain requirement from whole grains. Therefore, we have to eat more whole-grain cereals, pasta, and bread. However, you can literally use it in baking, too! Whenever a recipe calls for the use of all-purpose flour, substitute it for whole wheat flour instead. Promise, you will not notice the difference!
- Cabbage for Burger Buns
Hosting a barbecue party, but found out you ran out of burger buns? Fret not. As long as you have cabbage in stock, then the party will go on! Surprisingly, cabbage makes an excellent substitute for buns. Unlike tortilla wraps and taco shells, cabbage has a firm texture that is similar to buns. To use, just remove the outer leaves and use the inner leaves as a bread. Make sure you wash it carefully before putting the burger patty and cheese!
- Dark Leafy Greens for Watery Greens
Watery greens such as iceberg lettuce do not contain as much nutrients like dark leafy greens. That is why you might need to replace them now. Consider buying spinach, watercress, kale, and arugula instead. If you are uncertain about using them, try mixing them with other greens you are comfortable with.
- Ground Turkey for Red Meat
Of course, nothing compares to the juiciness of red meat. But do you know that the consumption of beef and other red meat can put you at risk for heart diseases? Now, if you are worried about your family’s health, but don’t want to compromise the quality and taste of the recipes you are preparing, we suggest replacing red meat with ground turkey.
- Chia Seeds for Eggs
Although it seems odd to ditch the eggs and use Chia seeds instead, this substitute really works great because it adds chewiness and fudginess to recipes like brownies. Not to mention, it is filled with omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, protein, and minerals.
With consistent practice and a little adjustment, substituting these healthier ingredients will be easy as pie. So, the next time you go to the grocery, be sure to fill your carts with these 10 ingredients that will surely lighten up your favorite recipes!
Author Bio:
Catherine finds joy in the simplest things. Her passion for traveling is equally matched by her love for animals. Whenever she’s in the mood for experimenting, you can see her in the kitchen trying out new recipes, most likely desserts. She shares her expertise about nutritious and organic foods like coconut oil on her blog Free Coconut Recipes. Find out what she’s up to by following her social media accounts, Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.