Potatoes And Their Health Benefits

Potato is one of the most important food source available in all over the world with the wide range of benefits. Whether it roasted, mashed or baked the taste will be too good always. Most of the people are preferring potato as their favorite food source. Nowadays It’s hard to find someone, who dislikes potatoes fries. Potatoes are cropped every month in somewhere so it is available throughout the year.


I would like to start with the nutritional value of potato before dive into the health benefits. Potato has the wide of nutritional values. Here I have listed the nutritional content for one cup of potato which comes around 161 calories.

Nutrient Value

Vitamin B3 – 15%
Vitamin B6 – 30%
Vitamin C – 22%
Potassium – 25%
Phosphorus – 17%
Copper – 22%
Manganese – 12%
Fiber – 15%

Read on this link which describes more about potatoes nutritional values.

Health Benefits Of Potatoes


When coming to the health benefits is has the huge wealth of healthy benefits. Potatoes are one of the excellent food sources which have the health benefits without any wastage. We can use it by simply washing it. It does not need to peel off.

Potatoes For Weight Gain


Are you looking for the weight gaining components? Then potatoes are the best option for you. Potatoes have more carbohydrates rather than the protein. If you want to gain the weight then this is the best diet option for you. It contains B-complex and Vitamin C which helps to absorbs the carbohydrates. Most of the sumo wrestlers taking potatoes to reserves the more weight and energy.

Potatoes On Digestion

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Nowadays digestion is the worst cause for many people due to the junk foods. Eating too many potatoes also will cause the acidity. Take a potato regularly as it has the property to digest hard foods. Potatoes have the fiber which helps to secrete the gastric acids which help in food digestion. It prevents you from constipation and some serious causes such as colorectal cancer. Drink one or two teaspoons of raw potato juice before taking food will increase the digestion.
Potatoes on Building Blood cells

A medium potato has the one-half milligram of Vitamin B6 which helps to build your blood cells. It involves in the Enzymatic reaction which makes the chemical reaction to activate the Vitamin B6 in the body. Vitamin B6 works DNA Creation and building new cells with the help of Nucleic acids. It increases the creation of  Heme and phospholipids.

Potatoes On Skin Care

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To get a healthy skin, eat a potato regularly as it has magnesium, potassium, Vitamin-C, B-Complex, Zinc and Phosphorus which helps to improve the skin. Most of the natural face pack includes raw potatoes to get a brighter skin. It reduces the spots and pimples from the skin.

Potatoes pulp is work well with skin burns and gives fast relief. To clean your skin use the potatoes washed water or smashed potatoes which provide the better skin results. Use potato paste with half of lemon to remove the sunburn on the skin and it also used to remove the dark circle.

Potatoes For Maintaining Blood Pressure


According to the current situation, most of the people getting high blood pressure due to tension, diabetes, indigestion and so on. Fortunately, Potatoes helps to maintain the blood pressure. It has the high concentration of Vitamin C and fiber which lowers the cholesterol and increase the insulin function. It also used to maintain the glucose level in the body.

Potatoes For Heart Diseases


Potatoes have the heart health substance called carotenoids which help to prevent the heart from diseases. It improves the internal heart functioning. But remember, consuming more potatoes will cause the obesity which makes more heart pressure. Check this link to know more about potatoes benefits for the heart.

Potatoes For Kidney Function


When the uric acid increased in the blood it will cause the kidney stones known also called as Renal Calculi. You should avoid high-protein food such as meat, egg, fish, turkey, milk and shrimp. Potatoes prevent the kidney from the deposition of calcium which causes the Renal calculi.

Potatoes For Dental Health

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Potatoes have the high concentration of Vitamin C that helps to prevent your tooth from Scurvy. It makes the gums stronger and recurrent dental infections. It contains Prolific which also helps to avoid gum bleeding and cracked lip corner.

Potatoes For Rheumatoid

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Rheumatism is the disease which caused by the calcium deficiency. Potato has the vitamins like magnesium and calcium which helps to get better relief from rheumatoid. The boiled potato water can cure rheumatism. Click here to know more about Rheumatism.

Potatoes Preventing Cancer


Potatoes have high-level vitamins like carotenes, zeaxanthin, and antioxidants. These vitamins can fight against cancer. It’s proven that potatoes have the substance called quercetin which has the antitumor and anticancer properties.The high concentration of vitamins reduces the cause of cancer.

Potatoes On Brain Function


Do you want to be active always? Eat one potato a day to make your brain so active. The brain will be active if there is a high level of glucose Vitamin-B complex, oxygen supply, hormones, certain acids like fatty acid, amino acid and omega-3.

Potatoes have the mentioned components and make the brain works better. It increases the brain activity. Potato also has the iron that increases the hemoglobin content in the blood. It also delivers the proper oxygen level to the brain.

Potatoes For Immunity Power

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Nowadays children easily get affected by various disease causes due to low immunity. Potatoes help to increase the immunity power to the body which fights against the causes. You should take about 45% of vitamin C content in your regular food. A medium size of a potato is enough to get this content.

Potatoes For Stress Relief


If you are in stress then eat a potato to get a relief from the stress. Potatoes have the magnesium component which helps to relieve the stress.

Bottom Line

Potatoes have a wide range of healthy benefits but people nowadays eating fried potatoes with extra oil, cheese, and butter. It is bad for health with no doubt. Eat baked or mashed potatoes rather that fried potatoes. Avoid eating green potatoes which may poisoning to the health. Make sure you are eating potatoes without losing nutritional values. Taking more potatoes also not good for health. Take a medium size of potato daily in your food to live a healthy life. You can also find more health tips on our blog. I hope you enjoyed reading.

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