In this modern and fast-paced life, it is important to try to live as healthily as possible. This requires conscious effort and day-to-day perseverance. Fortunately, more and more people are adopting this lifestyle. According to the report by, gym memberships are on a constant rise in the USA. And this is not just an American trend. The same website has collected data on memberships in fitness and health clubs all over the world and found that these are on the rise as well.
Even though this sounds encouraging, there is a large group of people who are largely left out of this trend- the seniors. Most of us don’t think about it, but we will all become seniors at some point. It is important to keep the healthy and active lifestyle even in old age, as caregivers at A Better Way in Home Care continue to remind their clients and their families. And keep in mind, it is never too late to start. These are some useful tips on how to stay healthy and fit into the old age.
There are some changes which occur when people age, so make sure that you change your routines to accommodate for these changes. Some of the most important changes are listed below.
- Brain – the whole nervous system changes, in fact; with age, cognitive functions decrease slightly, mostly due to the build-up of plaque in your nerves. This may affect your reflexes, memory and even your senses. In more extreme cases, this decrease can lead to dementia and other degenerative illnesses. There are ways to protect yourself from the worst of this change, though.
- Digestive system– Just like everything else, your digestive system slows down with age and doesn’t function quite as effectively as it did in its prime. Your teeth, for example, gradually lose their enamel, making them susceptible to cavities and other problems. Your stomach and guts become more rigid and less absorbent.
- Bones– This change is probably the most associated with aging. Bones become brittle due to the natural loss of minerals. This makes breaking them more likely, and healing generally more time-consuming.
- Vascular system– Your heart and blood vessels can actually be largely preserved from the effects of aging if you lead a healthy life. If you have been careful, you can expect your heart to be quite healthy well into old age, with only a slight enlargement due to the thickening of the heart walls. This thickening may also slow your heart rate slightly.
- Skin– Aside from the expected wrinkling due to loss of elasticity, you may also find your skin sagging. All of these changes are normal and expected to manifest gradually as you age. However, there are some ways you can offset and even reverse the negative effects. Listed below are some useful tips for healthy golden years.
One of the most important things anyone can do to improve their health is to take care of what they eat. The same goes for seniors. The first and foremost tip is moderation. Our bodies are better suited for lower calorie input. Some experts from Linkoping University in Sweden are claiming that women can function normally with only 1500 calories per day, while men only need 1800 if they are averagely active and healthy. They go on to insist that we should strive to have the same weight as in our 20s throughout our lives. Even though this seems a bit far-fetched, the goal is to stay as close to that ideal. When it comes to aging, you should institute some changes into your diet. For a start, if you haven’t already done away with it, get rid of fast food. Substitute it for a fiber-rich diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. It has been suggested that the Mediterranean diet suits older people the best. This diet is full of fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as nuts and fish, but very little red meat.
Another huge aspect of healthy living is exercise. However, older people aren’t quite as able to follow the rigorous regimes designed for older people. Find a program designed for older people which suits your abilities and affinities. One thing you can do on your own is cardio; more specifically, walking. You should make at least 10000 steps per day in order to keep your fitness level. That’ roughly the equivalent of 4 miles per day. Recreation is as important for your physical health as it is for your mental health. You need to keep a positive outlook on life, and physical activity and plenty of fresh air can help you do just that.
Social Relationships
Speaking of mental health, keeping contact with your friends and family is one of the most important things to combat depression and other mental health issues. Even getting a pet can make a big difference in people’s lives. A happy person is much more likely to be physically active and careful about health which is the ultimate goal. Some experts are suggesting that you try to volunteer in your community to get the feeling of belonging and fulfillment from helping others.
Regular Check-ups
This should go without saying, but you need to make and keep regular appointments with your doctor. Even in its prime, the human body needs regular maintenance and check-ups, but with age, this need only intensifies. Even if you feel fine, visit your doctor at predetermined times. You can ask your doctor about potential supplements you should take. Supplements such as selenium and vitamin D are often hailed as very Prevention is a far better option that treatment, but if it does come to that, don’t forget to take all medication your doctor prescribes.
Odds and Ends
There are countless other little things you can do to help yourself have a healthy old age. It really depends on your personal preferences and chosen lifestyle, but here’s another short list of things you might want to adhere to as well.
- Sleep – Sleep cycles and their duration change with age. If you can do away with alarm clocks, do it. Waking up naturally is much better for you than the abrupt shock of an alarm clock.
- Stress – This applies to everyone, not just seniors, but seniors are much more likely to be able to avoid stressful situations.
- Smoking – Cigarettes cause so many different medical issues and quitting smoking is probably the first serious step towards adopting a healthy lifestyle.
- Temperature – Older people are particularly affected by the weather extremes, so you would do best if you avoided going out during such episodes. These guidelines are useful not only for elderly but also for anyone who is considering changing their lifestyle in order to be healthy enough to actually reach the elderly age.
A Better Way In Home Care can be reached at:
1111 N Las Palmas Ave,
Los Angeles,
CA 90038,
USA 323-650-2211