Sometimes we might notice fleshy bumps on our eyelashes, neck, upper chest, arm, buttock folds, or underarms. These are called skin tags or acrochorda.
Skin tags can literally develop anywhere and they often grow in multiples. It is important to note that they often grow back once you remove them.
As per the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology, approximately half of adults in America get these outgrowths on their skin. Thus if you are struggling with these problems don’t worry as they are quite common and treatable.
There are many misconceptions regarding skin tag growth and treatment. Some believe that these raised hanging flaps of skin can be easily removed with sharp scissors or nail clippers. While others think that cutting off circulation with dental flosses is the best way to get off skin tags. What’s the truth? Let’s read further to get some insight…
What can cause skin tags to appear on your body?
Usually, moms-to-be experience hormonal fluctuations and several changes in their skin such as stretch marks, spider veins, etc., and as a result, develop skin tags.
According to experts, ladies can get unwanted fleshy growths on their abdomen or in the groin region during pregnancy, but they usually don’t notice these until after the baby is born.
The pregnancy skin tags are generally appearing on their face, neck, beneath and between the breasts, groin, etc. These tags appear during the later stages of pregnancy when a women gains weight.
Overweight generally formed developed generally formed developed
Studies have shown that there is a strong connection between obesity and skin tag growth.
Weight gain results in the development of adipose tissues, thus adding more fat to the body. People who are fat have more hanging skin; hence have more chances of rubbing their skin-with-skin or skin-with-cloth.
Some obese people may also have multiple skin tags in a group.
Diabetes is a medical condition that occurs when a person has extra sugar in the bloodstream.
According to a 2007 study, people with multiple skin tags have higher chances of getting diabetes.
Thus, healthcare providers should also check for diabetes in the individuals who have skin tags.
However, the reason behind the formation of skin tags in men and women with diabetes is still not clear. There isn’t much research done on this topic. However, it might be related to the body’s resistance to insulin.
Obesity is directly linked to diabetes, and thus overweight people have maximum chances of developing skin tags.
Genetic factors
Skin tags can also develop due to genetic factors. Just like the genes for hair color and height, some genes can result in the development of the fleshy overgrowths.
Thus, people who have family members with skin tags, have higher chances of getting them too.
Here are some conditions that cause skin tags:
- Rombo Syndrome
- Acromegaly
- Tuberous Sclerosis Complex
- Cowden Syndrome
- Basaloid Follicular Hamartoma Syndrome
- Brooke-Spiegler Syndrome
Skin tag treatment – what’re the options?
Although there are many skin tag removal methods available online and in clinics; some of these can be painful and can cause infection as well.. Thus, before trying any technique, you should comprehensively research it online, or take professional help if necessary.
Some effective skin tag treatment methods are:
In cryotherapy, also called cryosurgery, liquid nitrogen is used to remove skin tags.
Liquid nitrogen is applied to the affected area with the help of a cotton-tipped swab. It is extremely cold, and the patient gets burning sensation.
A blister forms when the liquid nitrogen comes in contact with the skin, and a scab forms over the blister. The skin tags are removed within two to four weeks.
This skin tag removal method has been in use for more than ten decades, and it is highly effective for a wide range of benign skin problems.
Usually, this method is used for precancerous growths by sun damage, warts, and other benign growths.
Laser method
Today, lasers often find applications in skin care clinics and dermatology offices. Usually, CO2 lasers are used for removing skin tags, and most laser treatments are considered safe.
This treatment is recommended to the patients who have skin tags over a large area. The procedure takes fifteen to twenty minutes, and the patients may experience little pain.
Cauterization involves burning off the skin tags, and you should only visit a certified medical professional to perform the procedure. In the electrocauterization method, a special tool is heated and applied to the outgrowth. It may take either few hours or days for skin tags to fall off.
Cutting the blood supply by tying
A skin tag is a part of the skin, and it also gets blood supply like other body parts.
In many cases, the physician prefers tying the base with a string. This helps in cutting the blood supply and making the skin tags fall off in a few days.
This method can result in excessive bleeding; thus you should always contact an experienced medical professional. Remember to NEVER TRY IT AT HOME ON YOUR OWN..
Skin tag removal products
A Google search can provide you with many results for skin tag removal products to help you yank your skin tags off.
But, before buying any product, you should read customers reviews, and consult your doctor. Always read the instructions carefully, and use the product as directed—it will help you minimize the risks.
However, some products take couple of days for the skin tags to detach themselves, thus, don’t overuse the product, and wait for the action to be completed.
Skin tags are harmless and benign, and it’s okay if you forget them. But, if you are among the one’s people who don’t like these fleshy growths and feel embarrassed about having them on their bodies, you can definitely go for skin tag removal. It is recommended that you visit a certified doctor for any suitable procedure.
What according to you causes skin tags? What’s the best method for skin tag treatment? Share your thoughts and views in the comment box below.
1 thought on “Skin tags – What causes them and how to remove them”
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Very informative! You are sharing the great info and treatments for skin tags. I really like this article. Thanks and keep sharing.